RED IN THE FOREST is an audio drama fractured fairy-tale retelling of the Little Red Riding Hood. Set in a progressively apocalyptic future with environmental disasters entwining nature and humanity in unexpected, unsettling ways, we follow Red, a motorcyclist riding through a boreal forest with no recollection of who she is and where she's going. Thankfully, amidst the spruce, she encounters no wolves, only the curious residents of a dark manor planted between a frozen lake and a desolate campground. But the folks in the area have a hard time with strangers—and the forest won't let her leave.


    The Team

    Oceane Liang as makeshift director, sound designer, writer, artist, and voice actor for Ivy Bush.
    Vicky Li as sound and script consultant, as well as voice actor for Ash Dubois.
    Katherine Huang as voice actor for Red.
    Saraf Anzum as voice actor for Eris Rivera.
    Alden Chew as voice actor for Benjamin McIver.
    Kabeer Haider as voice actor for Morgan Yu.
    Sean Edwards as voice actor for Jo.
    Lei as voice actor for Fern Magorian-Tang.
    Thawne as SFX designer.
    Coko Tang as SFX designer.

    A previous version of the podcast’s cover in which a blue-tinted Red with her black hair stuck to her cheeks has her face obscured by red branches. The title of the podcast, "Red in the Forest" is handwritten in white above the branches.


    @TheWillowCorpse on Instagram for the author's page where drawings and script excerpts can be found!or...@RITFpodcast on Youtube where speedpaints, progress reports, and other miscellaneous things will be released! (Someday...someday...)


    Hello, hello! It's Oceane, writer and director of Red in the Forest speaking to you from the confines of this text box — man, it's really cramped in here.For those who don't know, RitF began as CAS project, a mandatory extracurricular assignment students in the IB diploma program have to complete to graduate. At first, eight episodes were planned for the complete story, and became apparent that eight episodes were not enough.In other words: RitF needs a second season.But let's be realistic: this team of haggard students is not producing any more episodes on a regular basis without wrenching some teeth out. Instead, to be very transparent, when the countdown on this website ends there will be an episode out, AKA the pilot episode, AKA the proof-of-concept episode, AKA the first episode released — and that's it. We have the scripts, the recordings, but also the brink of adulthood on our hands, so it's hard to picture the time to release anything else in the near future. Maybe we'll come back to this. Maybe we won't.Personally, I would really like to, but I could only imagine doing so with better equipment, more experience, and maybe some more manpower... A lot more manpower... Someone better versed in sound editing than I am, anyway.Regardless, thank you for listening! Leave some thoughts if you can! Words of encouragement! Old-man advice! Hate mail! Love mail! Spam mail! Anything at all!All you have to do is send us an email at [email protected] and we'll respond ASAP.